Last night It was probably one of the most beautiful nights Central Arkansas has seen a while, so I decided to take full advantage of this and go for a sunset run across one of the new pedestrian bridges on the river. I don't know about you, but I do lots of deep thinking while on runs. These thoughts are all the more dramatic when I have my Ipod playing endless sound tracks from bands that "speaks to me". You know what I mean?You probably do. Everybody has music that speaks to them in some way. I call them "song-motions", when a song and it's lyrics just completely strikes a chord inside of you.
Lately, there have been many different situations and people who have had me thinking about the world and everybody's place inside of it. It never ceases to amaze me that the world is completely open to us, if we simply take a chance on it and have no fear. I am ashamed to admit,but I have been completely a wuss at some points in life.The fear of failure, our doubts, and the limitations we place on ourselves completely cage us in from living out a passionate purpose. Also, I have found myself blindsided with the question of what it truly means to live a life for God.
About a month ago I read an article in News Week about religion and how so many people get caught up in the practice of their faith, that they fail to even bear fruit that resembles God in any way. It's as though God has been tied so closely with religion, that His genuine meaning has become over-complicated and mis-understood. So,what does it mean to live an honest life that genuinely seeps, shines, and over flows with the goodness of God? Recently, I have known of a couple aquantences and people who have at such an early age passed away for various reasons. The moment one leaves this world, a legacy is instantly left behind. As I read Facebook posts written about the lives of these people (who are barely in their twenties), my heart literally sinks with the reality of how incredibly short their lives were.But, perhaps the thing that tugs at the strings of my heart even more is the fact that none of these people wasted their time here on earth. Perhaps the people who left this world at an early age knew much more about life than many people grow to understand in a lifetime.
It is truly evident that a life was thoroughly lived when a death begins a trickle effect among massive amounts of people, inspiring everyone to live today BOLDLY with the gifts God has given them and to not hold back in this world in any way. In my opinion, living a beautiful life for God was never intended to be limiting,judging or stuffy. In fact, God wants us to have no boundaries in life. Everybody has a unique set of qualities and gifts that are fully able to make a difference in some way. What will we leave behind? Who are we going to touch?
“You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So... get on your way!”
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!