Out of Inspiration (Thanks to Gretchen Rubin) I decided to make my own happiness list. This is my measly bullet note list of what I think helps pave a path to BLISS.
2)Happiness is Sleep--- Our moms told us to get 8 hours of sleep for a reason.Right when you feel as though you are becoming the span of Satan,try to go clock in about 8 hours of sleep. Whenever you wake up you will have a completely new perspective on life. I always forget this. I Guess sometimes humans need to be put on the charger,too.
3)Happiness is Purpose and People---you are on the phone with your friend and you say, "I'm so happy,__enter friend's name here__, I really think I have found my niche". This is the Best feeling when it happens. It seems as though it takes forever to find out who our real friends are and what our purpose is, but once it's discovered we appreciate life so much more. Its kind of like
finding all of the corner pieces in a jigsaw puzzle. You have something to work with finally!
4)Happiness is Spontaneous-- Most of the fun times that I have had in my life have been the result of a completely spontaneous situation. News flash, itineraries could never compare to sheer thrill of flying by the seat of your pants. "Wanna drive to Estacada,Oregon at 3 in the morning?" So-and-so asks, "Let's do it!" is what we should say. Maybe life would be more fun if we quit coming up with excuses for why we can't go do that one-super-random- thing.
5)Happiness is Chocolate and Coffee--- These two things have a magical way of lifting you up when you need a boost and winding you down when you want to relax. Occasional Indulgences can make life more fun and are always there at the end of the day to pat us on the back saying, "you deserve this one for being you. Congratulations on being alive. Enjoy every calorie."
6) Happiness is Letting Go--- Let go of your pride. Let go of your plans. Let go of your hatred for Crocks Shoes (Even though that's understandable). Forgive the people who have hurt you in the past and always try to move forward. Yesterday was our funk, but tomorrow could be the best day of our life. Life is unpredictable, roll with it. Take all of your problems out to dinner and break-up with them, because tomorrow has so much more to offer.